Laser processing
Industrial automation and motor control Semiconductor design and manufacturing Medical instruments and systems
Laser processing
Optical communication
Laser processing
Medical instruments and systems
Author:Lightel From:Lightel Date:2017-08-16 View:9 Good:2

Today, many technologies are applicable to various types of medical induction and imaging applications. Engineers responsible for the development of these medical devices and systems must ensure that their products are effective, safe and affordable.

A range of instruments is being used to promote innovations in the field of medicine. Our signal generator reproduce sensor signals by creating almost unlimited numbers of signals: analog or digital, ideal or distortion, standard, or custom. Through our signal analysis tools, you can look at the key aspects of the signal, providing you with in-depth analysis of your solution capabilities, shorten the design cycle, and ensure product safety and effectiveness.

As the world's leading oscilloscope manufacturer, we have been among the forefront of electronic product innovation. Our testing and measurement tools are transforming the concept of medical products into reality and achieving progress in the medical field.


